Today Bungie had this message on their website when you visit
So pretty much do not expect a new game announcement out of Bungie this week at E3. Guess we will have to keep on guessing till the real announcement actually comes.
Heres is the best explanation I could Find:
Posted by: IndefinitePit
"I have a feeling Bungie's announcement when it comes will be rather significant. My reasoning is this, let's assume Microsoft Game Studios is the publisher (which I imagine it is). Microsoft had the strongest press conference so far, I believe Microsoft expected more out of Sony and Nintendo's conferences, both were pretty much lack luster. And wanted Bungie to release a follow up punch on Wednesday. However since neither Sony or Nintendo made any big announcments as of yet, Microsoft might be wanting Bungie to save this for the appropriate time, which is a sound business decision and would be more beneficial to both Microsoft and Bungie to wait. While the delay is unfortunate I believe it isn't without good reason. And if I am in the ballpark on this, I believe it is a decision that makes a lot of sense."
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