Edge Awarded Bungie's Halo 3 the Edge Award for Interactive Innovation this year. Heres a quick blip of what edge had to say.
"Ultimately it is the integration and coherence of Halo 3’s online content that makes the game stand apart. From its Theater mode to Forge, and the way a party playing through Live can seamlessly manoeuvre between them, here is an experience that demonstrates an unparalleled understanding of the potential for console online play. Outside of the game, Bungie.net has been engineered to become a remarkable resource for Halo 3 stats and communities, providing life for the game even when your Xbox 360 is switched off. Halo 3, just as Halo 2 did before it, presents a roadmap for the way online will be integrated in videogames in the coming years."
Microsoft has responded to the award by making a teaser video explainging the fate of the Halo Franchise. The video seems to really hint towards another Halo game in the making, but it looks like it will not be made by Bungie.
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